On the Appropriateness of Constructivism in Educative Curriculum Reform in Normal Universities


建构主义并不适合指导高师教育,高师教育类课程应培养具有反思精神的教师,这需要师范生掌握基本的教育理论知识和教学规律,而不仅仅是积累个体经验。因此,教育类课程的内容也应以给定的知识结论为主、生成性经验为辅。教育类课程改革不能建立在对一些流行概念进行不加分析的借用之上,而应从课程的评价方式和教学模式两方面进行脚踏实地的改革。Constructivism should not be the guideline of the education in Normal universities. The normal courses should help cultivate the teachers with reflective spirit. It requires normal university students not only to accumulate individual experience, but also to master the basic education theories and teaching principles. The normal contents also should mainly focus on knowledge, not generating experience. The educative curriculum reformers should not just utilize some popular definitions without any analysis, but conduct some pragmatic actions in the improvement of evaluations and teaching patterns.福建省社会科学规划青年基金项目(FJ2016C057)

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