Inheriting the Fractured: the Dilemma of the Sakizaya's Reconstruction of Ethnic Group and Traditional Culture


撒奇莱雅族正名成功后,族群精英试图通过重构传统来弥合历史断裂,接续丢失的族群文化,聚合松散的部落与族人,重塑族群认同意识。这种族群重建的实践面临的诸多挑战与困难,表面上看是族群内部的意见分歧与利益纷争,实质上折射出部落社会在当代的变迁过程中所遭遇的社会与文化冲击。在文化日益多元与混杂的社会环境中,撒奇莱雅的族群重建面临着传统与现代的断层、接轨和再转化的过程,受到都市化、现代化和个体主义等多重因素的影响,撒奇莱雅族未来的发展难以预知。After the ethnic re-certification succeeded in 2007,the Sakizaya elites are attempting to rebuild the traditions to connect the historical break,continue the lost cultural tradition,unite the divided tribes and clansmen,and generate consciousness of ethnic identity as well. On the surface,the challenges and difficulties that the practice of ethnic reconstruction facing reveals difference in opinion and benefit disputes within the Sakizaya ethnic group. However,in essence it reflects the social and cultural impact that the tribal society is experiencing during the transition from the traditional to the contemporary society. In a jumbly circumstance with multi-cultures,the Sakizaya's practice of reconstruction of the ethnic group is confronted with a process of break,connection and re-convertion between the traditional and the modern. Under the circumstance that people who are living in the tribal society is now deeply influenced by urbanization,modernization and individualism,the Sakizaya's development is faced with an uncertain future.国家社会科学基金重大项目“台湾原住民族群关系研究”(14ZDB113

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