Analysis of Levelized Cost of Electricity for Travelling Wave Reactor


本文通过平准化发电成本的方法,以燃料循环作为研究对象,对行波堆一次通过式燃料循环和二次通过式燃料循环的经济性进行了研究,并选取10个重要的经济和技术参数进行成本敏感性分析。研究结果表明,行波堆的平准化发电成本低于现有压水堆和快堆,其中,行波堆一次通过式燃料循环方式的平准化发电成本最低。敏感性分析表明,贴现率、燃耗深度、隔夜价和反应堆热效率是影响行波堆经济性最重要的参数,而燃料价格和废物处置的价格由于占成本的比例较小,对行波堆经济性的影响不大。Based on levelized cost of electricity(LCOE)method,the fuel cycle was selected as the object of the study,the economics of once-through fuel cycle and twicethrough fuel cycle for travelling wave reactor(TWR)was studied.Ten important economic and technical parameters were proposed for the sensitivity analysis.The results show that the LCOE of TWR is lower than that of conditional light water reactor and fast reactor.Furthermore,the LCOE of once-through fuel cycle of TWR is lower than that of twice-through cycle.The sensitivity analysis indicates that the discount rate,burn-up,overnight cost and thermal efficiency impact the LCOE severely,while the price of uranium and the cost of waste disposal barely impact the LCOE.厦门大学校长基金资助项目(20720150095

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