A New Revelation of Yan'an Rectification Movement to Comprehensive Strict Governance to the Party


延安整风运动是20世纪40年代中国共产党在党内进行的一次马克思主义理论思想解放运动,同时也是一场党性培养和洗礼的教育运动。认真研究与分析延安整风运动,对于全面从严治党具有非常重大的现实意义。坚持理论与实践的有效统一是全面从严治党的时代召唤;坚持党性与人民性的有效契合是全面从严治党的时代体现;坚持从严与从实的有效配合是全面从严治党的时代特色。The Yan'an rectification movement took place in the 40 s of the 20 th century,the Communist Party of China held a Marxist theory of ideological liberation movement,it is also a party spirit cultivation and baptism of the education movement. Serious research and analysis of Yan 'an rectification movement has very important practical significance for comprehensively strict governance the Party. It is essential to adhere to the unity of theory and practice of comprehensively strict governance the party and the call of the times; adhere to the effective combination of the Party and the people of is comprehensively and strictly administering the reflection of the times; adhere to strict and real effective cooperation as comprehensive strict governance of the Party for the characteristics of the times.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(T2013221022);; 厦门大学哲学社会科学繁荣计划项目“中国发展道路的理论与实践研究”阶段性成

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