Reflection on Innovation and Entrepreneurial Education in Universities during 12th Five-Year-Plan Period——Analysis based on The Report of Chinese Higher Education Accrecitation by Third Party


《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》实施五年来,围绕提高质量这一高等教育核心任务,实施了一系列创新创业教育改革计划,推动了高等教育改革向纵深发展。在此承前启后的关键时期,从建设高等教育强国、立德树人以及提高教育质量等层面,论述创新创业教育在引领高等教育教学改革中的重要作用;从学期制度、学分制以及教育评价等方面提出了创新创业教育需要对高等教育进行整体系统改革。反思当前高校创新创业教育存在的不足,对于进一步推进高等教育综合改革,全面提高高等教育质量具有重要意义。National Medium-and Long-Term Plan for Education Reform and Development has been implemented since July 2010. The government put the innovational and entrepreneurial education reform plan into practice around quality improvement to drive the higher educationreform deeply. In this transitional period, the paper demonstrates the important role of innovational and entrepreneurial education in leading reform of higher education from three aspects: building a powerful country in higher education, setting high moral values education, and quality improvement. Furthermore, the paper claims that it is necessary to take an overall systematic reform of higher education as to carry out innovation and enterprise education, including the system of academic arrangement, management based on the credit system teaching, the mechanism of teaching assessment and higher education evaluation. The paper puts forward that to promote further comprehensive reform in higher education has a significance for quality improvement.国家教育体制改革领导小组办公室委托课题“高等教育第三方评估”(教改办函(2015)13号)的研究成

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