The New Opportunity for MOOCs in Diversification Development of Higher Education


趋同化发展已成为我国高等教育的一大弊病。慕课为破解高等教育趋同化发展桎梏、促进多样化发展提供了可能。慕课的开放性一方面使得高校能够在相互比较中合理建构自己的发展路径,另一方面慕课的"翻转课堂"教学和记录教师教学行为和学习者学习行为的特点为学校根据师生特点设计适合该校的学生培养模式、特色发展提供了条件。高校应该在对慕课资源的利用中首先选择适合自身的课程,其次在比较和学习中形成自己的特色课程体系,进行特色化人才培养和发展,从而促进高等教育的多样化发展。The assimilated development has become a major problem of higher education in our country. However,MOOCs holds the possibilities for solving the dilemma of assimilated development of higher education and promoting the diversified development. On one hand,the openness of MOOCs makes colleges and universities able to rationally built developmental paths of their own in the comparison with each other. On the other hand,the "Flipped Classroom"in MOOCs,which records teachers' teaching behavior and students' study behavior,provides the conditions for colleges and universities designing a suitable mode of student cultivation and developing with their own specialty. First and foremost,colleges and universities should choose fitted curriculums for themselves in the utilization of MOOCs resources. Secondly,colleges and universities should form the curriculum system with their own sharp features and characteristically cultivate talents in the comparison and learning,and thus promote the diversification development of higher education

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