Laser interaction with materials and its applications in precision engineering


本文主要介绍了激光与物质的相互作用及其在精密工程中的应用.为了更深入地研究激光与物质的相互作用过程,在了解激光特点与原理的基础上,分析激光与物质; 相互作用的动态过程及其机理,通过对激光合成纳米材料的研究,探索激光加工的具体过程和特点并加以广泛应用.本文通过对4个应用实例的介绍,简述了激光在; 精密工程中的具体应用,包括激光超快直写、激光微阵列印刷、超衍射极限的纳米光学加工以及利用激光加工微纳尺寸杂化结构等技术,展现激光加工技术在当今科; 研与实际应用中的巨大潜力.这些研究如今已经引起了学术界和产业界的高度重视,将会给我们的生活带来巨大的影响.In this paper, laser interaction with materials and its applications in; precision engineering are mainly introduced. To further explore the; physics behind laser interaction with materials, it is of much; significanc et oinvestigat eth emechanism si nth e process. First of; all, it is desired to understand the characteristics and principle of; laser. Laser is generated by stimulated radiation, and has excellent; physical properties, such as high monochromaticity, high brightness,; high directivity and high coherence. Meanwhile, it benefit smuc ht ostud; yth edynami cproces so finteraction san dit smechanisms.Ther e exist; both photo-chemical and photo-thermal processes when laser and materials; interact. Furthermore, developing laser application in nanomaterial; synthesis is also an unique area. It is worth further studying the; design and fabrication of nanostructured materials. Last but not least,; it is interesting to explore the specifi cproces san dcharacteristic so; flaser processing, which play an important role in advanced; manufacturing. In precision engineering, the tool of laser has also been; more applicable considering its great advantages in microprocessing and; nanofabrication. Several case studies are introduced, which have great; potential and high impact applications, such as ultrafast laser direct; writing, laser micro-lens lithography, laser nanofabrication to break; through optical diffraction limit and hybrid micro/nanostructures with; unique functions fabricated by laser. These studies have triggered; intensive research interests due to their great application prospect.国家自然科学基金; 国家重点基础研究发展计划; 温州大学激光加工机器人省重点实验室开放基金;; 中国科学院光电技术研究所微细加工光学技术国家重点实验室开放课题; 福建省科技厅引进重大研发机构资助项

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