Study on Pension Methods and its Influential Factors among the Elderly by Using Andersen Behavior Model


目的了解厦门市老年人养老意愿及其影响因素,为明确养老服务需求及保障策略提供循证依据。方法以Andersen行为模型为指导,基于厦门市14292名; 老年人的面对面问卷调查,卡方检验分析人群分布差异,采用多分类; logistic回归模型从倾向性因素、使能因素、需求性因素分析老年人养老意愿的影响因素。结果被调查的老年人中选择居家养老最多,占86.37%,其; 次是社区居家养老(10.77%)和机构养老(2.86%)。受教育年限越长、失能程度越高、居住在农村的老年人更倾向于社会化养老,OR值均大于1(P; <0.01);子女数越多、与直系亲属居住、入不敷出的老年人更倾向居家养老,OR值均小于1(P; <0.01)。从影响因素回归模型中剔除使能因素后-2LL、Cox & Snell R2和Nagelkerke; R2的变化值比剔除倾向性因素和需求性因素大。结论厦门市老年人养老意愿以居家养老为主,不同特征老年群体的养老意愿不同。养老意愿受多种因素影响,其中; 使能因素影响最大。Objective To learn about the selection of pension methods of the elderly; in Xiamen city and provide evidences based on the demand of pension; services and security strategies. Methods According to the Andersen; behavior model, based on the data of 14292 old people in Xiamen,this; study analyzes the population distribution difference using Chi - square; analysis, and the influential factors of pension methods by building; Logistic Regression Analysis Model. Results The percentages of; preferences to home care,community care andinstitutional care are 86.; 37%,10. 77% and 2. 86% respectively. The OR of preference to social; pension,for the elderly with characteristics of higher education; level,lower level of self - care ability,habitat in countryside are over; 1 (P < 0. 01). The OR of preference to home care,for the elderly with; characteristics of more children, living with families,lower level of; salary are less than 1(P < 0. 01). The changes of - 2LL,Cox & Snell R2; and Nagelkerke R2 are bigger when enablin gresource factors are excluded; from the regression model than predisposing factors and needs factors.; Conclusion Conclusion Home care is the main preference of pension; methods for the elderly in Xiamen City. The elderly with different; characteristics have different preferences for pension methods. The; preferences for pension methods are influenced by many factors,among; which enabling resource factors show the bigger influence.国家自然科学基金青年项目; 国家自然科学基金项

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