Goodwill Impairments and Analysts' Earnings Forecasts——From the Perspective of Earnings Management


以2007至2013年的沪深两市A股上市公司为样本,研究了上市公司计提商誉减值损失行为对分析师盈余预测的影响。研究发现,上市公司计提商誉减值损失的行为降低了分析师盈余预测的准确度,提高了分析师盈余预测的分歧度。进一步的研究显示,商誉减值对分析师盈余预测的不利影响仅存在于出现负向盈余管理行为的公司中,即其源自基于盈余管理动机的商誉减值行为。此外,高质量的外部审计可以显著降低商誉减值对分析师盈余预测的不利影响。Based on the data of listed A-share Chinese companies from 2007 to 2013, this paper examines the association between goodwill impairments and analysts' earnings forecasts. The empirical results indicate that the likelihood and magnitude of goodwill impairments are negatively associated with forecast accuracy and positively associated with forecast dispersion. Furthermore, our research reveals that the effect is concentrated in firms with negative earnings management behaviours, i.e. the firms with opportunistic motivation of managers' goodwill impairment decisions. Moreover, the study shows that high-quality audit reduces the adverse effect of goodwill impairments on analysts' earnings forecast.国家社会科学基金重点项目(13AJY005);; 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(14JJD790008);; 安徽省高校人文社科研究重点项目(SK2015A576);; 安徽财经大学2016年度校级科研重点项目(ACKY1607ZDB

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