Existing Problems in Private Vocational Colleges' Teaching and Countermeasures


民办高职院校作为一种特殊的高等教育办学类型,在我国高等教育大众化的进程中扮演着十分重要的角色。而当前民办高职院校的教学现状并不乐观,其中在学生基础、师资素养、实践环节、教材建设和学业考核机制等几个方面存在的问题正影响着其人才培养的质量。以生为本、加强师资、强化训练、特色教材、多元评价是其改善教学质量的重要途径。Private vocational colleges,as a special form of higher education,played a considerable role in the course of the popularization of higher education in our country. However,there still exist some problems in private vocational colleges' teaching,which exerts a negative effect on talent-training purpose in higher vocational education. Based on the analysis of existing problems in private vocational colleges' teaching from students' foundation,teachers' quality,practice teaching,construction of teaching material,evaluation mechanism of school work etc,and some measures are put forward to improve the teaching quality

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