A game analysis on marine environment liability


海洋环境污染和生态健康问题长期以来得不到有效控制,究其实质,是多方经济利益博弈的结果。本文运用博奕论的基本理论和方法,结合新时期我国环境经济新政策,对涉及海洋环境责任的企业、政府和保险公司三方的行为进行分析,探究博弈冲突的缘由和影响,促进三方达到较为理想博弈均衡,以求为解决海洋环境问题提供一个新的视角。Marine environmental pollution and ecological health problem has been a long-standing issue, which fundamentally speaking is due to the game of economic benefits of multiple parties. The paper applied the game theory and methodology to analyze behaviors of enterprises, governments and insurers towards marine environment. It aimed to uncover causes of the gaming conflicts and their impacts to achieve a relatively ideal gaming balance among three parties. It provided a new perspective for solving the marine environmental issue

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