

美国风险收费制度是根据案件的具体结果来支付律师费用的一种制度,案件胜诉则支付约定的费用,反之则不需或少付律师费用。虽然对于我国是否可采纳风险收费制度有不同的观点,但由于风险收费制度有利于解决我国目前面临的诉讼难的困境,以及对公益诉讼有不可低估的意义,因而在一定限度内采用应该是可行的。Contingent Fees System is such a system in which the plaintiff may pay for lawyer according to the final results of the case, if he won, he pays, otherwise, no pay There are some different opinions on whether to adopt the system in China, but because it can extricate from the difficult position of litigation and enforcement, and it is significant for Public Benefit Litigation, it can be adopted in limited scop

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