Realization of Simulation for a Fire Control Radar Terminal Display


雷达系统的仿真模拟由于成本低、研发周期短、效果好等优点在军队中开始得到广泛应用,雷达系统的模拟训练已成为某些部队军事训练的一种方式。雷达终端显示器的仿真是雷达系统仿真中的一个重要部分,在三维坐标系中对飞行目标航迹的产生进行了建模,并利用C++Builder 6.0开发工具,采用多线程技术,对某一火控雷达终端显示器进行仿真,实现了多飞行目标情况下,单个目标捕获跟踪、杂波的模拟、雷达终端数据的实时录入等功能。本设计能很好应用于雷达课程教学和军队雷达手的操作训练中。Simulation of radar system has begun to be applied widely in army due to its low-cost,short period of development as well as good application results,and the training of simulation of radar system becomes a kind of military training in some units.Simulation of radar terminal display is a very important part of simulation of radar system.Constructs a model to produce routes of flying objects in three-dimensional coordinates.With C++ Builder 6.0 and multi-thread method,a simulation of a fire control radar terminal display is well realized,which includes the tracking of single object,simulation of radar clutter as well as real-time acquisition of data in radar terminals and so on.This design is well applied in radar textbook teaching and military training for radar operators

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