Fast Stitching Algorithm & Implimentation for Color Images Based on Grad-filtering


提出了多优先区域搜索算法,结合梯度滤波改进了匹配模板提取法和分块相似匹配法,并对图像配准的各环节进行加速,实现了特征模板的自动、快速提取和快速匹配,极大地减少了用相似性准则比较图像的计算量,大量的实验结果表明本文所实现的拼接系统既满足实时要求,又具有较强地抗噪声鲁棒性.This paper proposes three algorithms: Multipriority Area Search, Template Searching Method based on gradfiltering and Local Similarity Matching based on gradfiltering. We accelerate each step in image calibrating based on template matching, thus get template automatically and faster, and greatly cut down the computation task using similarity rule. As a result the system, based on these algorithms, meets the requirement of realtime processing and antinoise.国家自然科学基金(60175008);; 高等学校骨干教师资助计划;; 福建省自然科学基金(A0110004)资

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