RISC Model Verification Based on PSL/Sugar Language


由于RISC具有流水线结构和指令多样性的特点,传统的Co Verification方法使RISC验证工作复杂而艰巨.在用PERL语言编写产生的随机测试机器码的基础上,利用Accellera组织提出的PSL/Sugar语言,结合Cadence公司的ABV验证工具,探讨了一种新颖的RTL级RISC模块的ABV验证模式.实验证明,该方法简单、快捷、可靠,能保证验证功能覆盖率达到100%,可以节省大量验证工作量,缩短SOC的开发周期,为加快芯片从设计到产品化的过程增加了一道安全的技术保障.Because the RISC has pipeline structure and various instructions,the traditional verification process Co-Verification is very complex and arduous.Based on the PSL/Sugar language and implemented by the ABV verification tool of Cadence,this article discussed a novel ABV verification method on RISC model.Here we used PERL programs to produce the binary random machine codes for RISC.The experimental result showed that the verification method was quite simple and powerful,and it can reach 100% function coverage and shorten the SOC developing period.It’s another important technical safeguard for the SOC before it’s design sign-off.福建省自然科学基金(F011009)资

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