Appreciation of the Specific Character of Scarlett and Rhett from Pragmatic Perspective


美国女作家玛格丽特.米切尔唯一的作品《飘》一经问世便成了美国小说中最畅销的作品。该作品细腻形象的人物描写、优美生动的语言、极具个性化的对白使其独具魅力。本文运用语用学的言语行为理论、会话含意理论及逗乐原则,对小说中主人公郝思嘉与卫希礼及白瑞德的一些对话进行语用分析,以期从分析中领略作者在刻画人物性格方面的艺术手法,更好地欣赏和理解主人公们富有个性的对话。American woman writer Margaret Mitchell′ novel "Gone with the Wind" became famous as soon as it got published.The charm of the novel lies in its detailed,vivid description of the characters and their conversations presenting their strong personalities.In this article,by using the pragmatic principles,author analyzes the conversations among the key characters like Scarlett,Ashely and Rhett,so that you can appreciate the novel′s artistic attainments in portraying thoughts and feelings of the characters and their conversations full of wit

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