On the Protection of Chinese Wushu Culture


中国武术文化是中国传统体育文化的主要代表,具有显著的民族特色和时代价值。近代以来,中国武术文化遭受西方体育文化强势、实用主义、功利主义等各方面的冲击,面临着生存危机。中国武术文化的保护,成为一项迫切的研究课题和现实任务。当前,必须合理制定武术的发展模式,对武术文化遗产进行明确的定位,构建完整的武术文化保护理论体系。这是武术文化保护的工作全面展开的基础,也是促进中国武术发展的必然选择。Chinese Wushu(martial arts) culture is an outstanding component of traditional Chinese sports culture,possessing a distinctive national character and high historical value.In the past two centuries,Chinese Wushu culture(CWC) has been confronted with serious crises due to challenges arising from the hegemony of Western sports culture,utilitarianism,etc.This paper argues that protecting Chinese Wushu culture is a task of high priority.It is time to formulate proper models of development for CWC and clearly define the heritage of CWC and theorize about the protection of CWC.This is the foundation upon which protecting CWC can be materialized and it is an inevitable choice for promoting CWC development

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