Uniform Estimate of Solutions with Weight Factors for -Equations over a Strictly Pseudoconvex Domain


文[1]得到Cn空间中具有逐块C(1)光滑边界的强拟凸域上(0,q)形式的带权因子的Leray-Norguet公式的拓广式及-方程带权因子的连续解。在此基础上,利用文[2]的方法,得到了具有逐块光滑边界的强拟凸域上的-方程带权因子解的一致估计。In [1],an extensional formula of Leray-Norguet with weight factors of differential forms and weighted continuous solutions of the -equation on a strictly pseudoconvex domain with piecewise C(1) smooth boundaries in C n were obtained.On the base of [1],by using the trick of [2],the authors give the uniform estimate of weighted solutions of the -equations on a strictly pseudoconvex domain with piecewise smooth boundaries in Cn

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