An Experimental Study on the Anticoagulant Effect of the Extract from Tick on Rabbits and Human Plasma


通过体外试验,观察牛蜱粗提物对家兔及人血浆的抗凝血效果.通过测定与比较加入牛蜱粗提物与未加牛蜱粗提物的兔血浆和人血浆的血浆复钙时间(RT)、凝血酶原时间(PT)、白陶土部分凝血酶激活时间(KPTT),发现牛蜱粗提物能使兔血浆及人血浆RT、PT、KPTT均显著延长,且其作用随着牛蜱粗提物用量的增大而增强.实验结果显示牛蜱粗提物具有明显的抗凝作用.Ticks are common ectoparasites of human and domestic animal and they are regarded as important vectors of zoonose disease due to their ability of transmitting a lot of pathogens to animal and people.As ticks obtain their nutrition from host by sucking their blood,their saliva must contain components to prevent the coagulation of the host blood. To investigate the anticoagulant effect of the extract from the tick on rabbits and human plasma,recalcification time(RT),prothrombin time(PT)and activated kaolin partial thromboplastin time(KPTT) were detected in vitro following the tick extract being added into the plasma of rabbits and human.Compare to the control group in the experiments,the results of RT,PT and KPTT of the test group which the tick extract was added in were shown prolonged significantly.And the anticoagulant effects were dosage dependent.The data showed that the tick extract has prominent anticoagulant effects on rabbits and human plasma.福建省青年科技人才创新项目(2002J051)资

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