Bioactivity of Reducing Blood Sugar and Elements Speciation Analysis of the Extract from Cyclocarya paliurus (Batal.) Iljinsk Leaves


为了从青钱柳(CP)中提取降血糖功能活性物质,并获得其中多种降血糖相关性微量元素的化学形态信息.本研究通过四氧嘧啶糖尿病小鼠模型进行青钱柳提取物生物活性验证,用流动注射 电感耦合等离子体质谱法(FIA ICP MS)对功能提取物中的相关元素进行表征.结果表明:青钱柳提取物具有显著的降血糖活性,提取物在IR光谱中显示典型的多糖吸收特征,得率为9.6%.连续四周腹腔注射青钱柳提取物后,小鼠血糖值比糖尿病模型组降低了41.3%.多糖复合物中降血糖相关性元素以可溶态为主.在可溶态元素中,镁主要以无机形态存在,而锰、铜和锌主要以有机形态分布.A hyperglycemia animal model was successfully established by treating normal Kunming mice with alloxan(iv).These mice were orally administrated by the extract from Cyclocarya paliurus (Batal.) Iljinsk(CP). It was demonstrated that the extract is complex polysaccharide, which is able to significantly reduce the fasting serum glucose in alloxan diabetic mice. The extract is brown with the yield of 9.6%. The elements in the functional extract were fractionated into four fractions: the soluble, particulate, organic and inorganic using 0.45 μm membrane filter and C18 bonded silica gel column (Waters), respectively. Various metal species in each fraction were measured by online FIAICPMS system. Most elements in CP extract existed as soluble species. The CP extract is visioned as a kind of complex solution, in which various elemental species stay in equilibration, which is mainly including inorganicmagnesium, organicmanganese, organiccopper, inorganicnickle, and organozinc.福建省青年科技人才创新项目(2001J063);; 江西省自然科学基金(0120018)资助项

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