Online-game: How to Meet Players' Mental Demands?


本文试图从网络游戏者的角度探讨其心理需求、以及网络游戏能够在哪些方面满足这些需求。文章分别从体验不同角色,自我实现,满足快感、释放潜意识和交往四个方面阐述了网络游戏带给游戏者的心理满足,并通过网络游戏对游戏者心理满足的分析来解释网络游戏迅猛发展的原因。This paper discusses the mental demands of online-game players, and further analyzes which aspects of online-games tomeet their metal demands from the viewpoints of the demands from different role-experience, self-fulfillment, subconscious- releasing and communication. By analyzing the mental satisfaction of payers acquired from online-games, this article tends to explain the reasons why online-games are growing so quickly

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