Application of XML in Parameters Processing of Software for NMR


本文针对NMR(核磁共振)系统软件的需求为其参数文件提供了一种XML设计方案,通过对多种XML解析方案的实验和比较,为XML参数文件提供了一种最优的解析和处理方案(VTD-XML),并且论证了VTD-XML在大数据处理方面的优势。According to the commands of parameters processing in software for NMR, the authors provided an approach with XML for the parameters file, and brought forth a best solution(VTD-XML) for XML processing by comparing it with others techniques of XML parsing.Lastly they draws a conclusion that VTD-XML is more appropriate for large XML document than others similar techniques.国家科技支撑计划课题(2006BAK03A22

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