A new species of Encotyllabe from marine fishes in Minnan-Taiwan Bank,Fujian,China


报道了闽南-台湾浅滩野生鱼类真鲷(Pagrosomusmajor)鳃丝上寄生的分室科中柄虫属一新种——厦门中柄虫Encotyllabexiamenensissp.nov.,虫体在体型、体长宽比、大钩和小钩长度比值、小钩的形状、卵黄腺的分布以及卵巢的位置等特征与现有种类存在一定差异,且在卵巢左侧具有发达的肌肉束.A new species of Encotyllabe was reported. The type specimens are deposited in Parasitology Research Laboratory, Xiamen University. Encotyllabe xiamenensis sp. nov. (Plate I). Host: Pagrosomus major. Location: Gill. Locality: Minnan-Taiwan Bank, China. 23.5~24.3 °N, 117.5~118 °E.Body elongate 4.55~5.53 long including opisthaptor, 1.13~1.43 wide. Prohaptor in form of 2 large, frilled lobes, each bearing muscular sucker, 0.17~0.29 in diameter. Eye-spots, 2 pairs. Opisthaptor bell-shaped, aseptate, with plicated marginal membrane, armed with pair of large broad hamuli, pair of minute hamuli and 14 marginal hooklets. Opisthaptor 0.59~0.96 in diameter; large and small hamuli 350~410 μm and 27.5~35 μm long, respectively. Marginal hooklets 10~13.75 μm long. Testes 2, elongate-oval, 0.39~0.45×0.27~0.35. Vas deferens convoluted, winding anteriorly on the left side of body, dorsal to vitelline reservoir, entering base of penis bulb and enlarging inside to form internal seminal vesicle. Large prostatic reservoir outside penis; prostatic duct joins ejaculatory duct proximal to tip of penis bulb. One very stout band of muscle extend anteriorly on left side from level of ovary, joining to the base of penis bulb. Ovary pre-testicular 0.23~0.38 in diameter, with an intra-ovarian seminal vesicle. Uterus extends antero-laterally along dorso-lateral side of penis. Vaginal pore on ventral side at level of vitelline reservoir. Vitellarium extensive, in lateral and median fields, from level of pharynx to near base of peduncle. No eggs were observed.浙江大学医学院中青年科研启动基金

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