A Review of China's cultural anthropology in retrospect


文章首先对中国人类学的学科定位进行了探讨,认为它应与社会学、民族学、考古学、语言学、民俗学等同属一级学科。文章进而回顾了20世纪中国文化人类学的发展过程,并指出:人类学的地位与作用尚需进一步取得共识;在我国还缺乏一个专业的研究所未领导全国人类学研究;人类学专业人才的培养还不足;人类学专业译著、著作出版不多,更没有科普读物,也影响了人类学发展;要多建人类学博物馆,以推动中国人类学的发展。To begin with, this article discusses the disciplineq setting of cultural anthropology in China and holds that it should belong to the first - level dicinplines such as sociology, ethnology, archaeology, linguistics, folklore, etc. Then, the article looks back at the process of ctiltural anthropology in China in the 20th century and pooints out that the position and role of anthIDpology still need a further understanding in common; there is also the lack of an institute with special field of study to lead the nation - wide anthropological researches; the training of professional talents in anthropological studies can not meet needs yet; the publication of translation works on anthropological studies and works written by Chinese anthropologlsts is quite limited in quantity, while it goes without saying that no popular scientific readings has been published, which has also affected the development of anthropology in China; in addition, we should build more museums of anthropology so as to push forward the development of anthropology in Chin

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