The Realistic Significance of Scientific Outlook to Path Selection in Communications Localization——Reemphasizing the Concept of Development Communications


"传播学本土化"是一直困扰我国传播学研究的一个老问题。尽管备受争议,但是这个问题的理论合法性并未被撼动。然而如果因循现在的研究思路,孜孜于传统典籍之中搜寻本土资源,可能永远也达不到建立中国传播学或传播学中国学派的目标。因此,传播学本土化研究必须进行范式转换,借鉴发展传播学的理论资源,以传播与中国的社会发展为切入点,在现实中建立传播学的"问题意识",从而推动中国传播学研究走出困境,开创新局。"Communications Localization" has been a heated topic in the China's Communications field for years. Despite its controversy, the legitimacy of Communications Localization has never been shaken. Nonetheless, if we follow current research pattern, i.e., researching local resources from ancient books and literatures, we may never reach the goal of establishing China's Communications or Chinese School of Communications. Therefore, the research pattern of Communications Localization needs to be reformed. By referring to theoretical resources of Development Communications, taking the cutting point of Communication and social development in China, we can develop the "problem awareness" within the real world, so as to pull Communications research out of its current dilemma, and blaze a trail of its own

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