A Tentative Study on the Taoist Idea of “Three Essences Contribute to Longevity”


三元是道教的一个重要术语和思想概念。道教三元思想渊源于周易的天、地、人三才说,三元并列是道教构建其庞大教义理论的一个重要思维模式。这种思维模式对道教养生思想与理论的建构发挥了积极作用,形成了富有道教特色的“三元延寿”养生思想。“三元延寿”养生思想集中体现在元代道教养生著作《三元延寿参赞书》中。“三元延寿”养生思想和理法具有系统性和综合性,不但将天元房中养生、地元起居养生、人元饮食养生紧密结合起来,而且强调养生从日常生活入手,注重以德养生,具有很强的实用操作性,有积极的现代价值。San Yuan(Three Essences) is a very important idea in Taoism. It derived from the concept of Three Geniuses. Though the concept of San Yuan has a different meaning in Taoism, we can see clearly that in Taoism, the three essences weigh the same. It plays a positive role in building the idea and theory of longevity in Taoism, forming unique Taoism idea of “Three Essences Contribute to Longevity”. The idea was mainly embodied in “Praise to SanYuan”, a Taoism classic in Yuan Dynasty. Built upon the thinking frame of Taoism: Tian Yuan, DiYuan, Ren Yuan, The Praise to SanYuan by Li Pengfei talks about the theory and methods of keeping health from aspects as sex, daily life, and diet etc. Just as Li Pengfei said himself, the contents of this book is all about people's daily life

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