Construction of Weighted Temporal Association Rules in Data Mining


传统的关联规则很少考虑规则的时间适用性,而时态关联规则中每条关联规则都有其成立的时间区域,对上述问题进行了一定的改进。该文在此基础上,构造了一种体现数据时间价值的加权时态关联规则,以使规则的发现体现一种时间趋势,并对同一组数据采用不同关联规则挖掘的结果进行比较,取得了良好的效果。The fitness of time is seldom illustrated by traditional association rules. Temporal association rules are improved by regarding every association rule with valid time area. Weighted temporal association rule is presented in this paper based on these researches, which can reflect the time value of data and the time tendency of discovered rules, and the results of different association rules mining on the same data are also compared and achieve a fine performance.国家教育部新世纪优秀人才计划基金资助项目(NCET-04-0608);; 国家教育部社科研究规划基金资助项目(06JA910003

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