On the Development and Liberalization of Service Trade Cross-border Supply


过境交付是四种服务贸易模式中与其他模式最显著不同的一种。这种最类似于货物贸易的国际服务贸易的成长,打破了服务总是需要人或物为载体,服务本身不能被存储和独立运输的传统观念,提高了服务的可贸易性,对推动全球服务贸易的发展具有极为重要的意义。全球电子商务和服务外包的蓬勃发展,原本不占服务贸易重要地位的过境交付贸易迎来了发展新机遇。在电子商务被引入多哈回合的谈判后,与电子商务密切相关的过境交付自由化问题也引起全球关注。Cross-border supply is a mode of service trade according to the GATS.This kind of service trade has attracted more attention along with the development of international e-business and service outsouring.With international e-business being a topic in Doha round,more discussion has been paid on the related liberalization of cross-border supply.Though the low level of liberalization,cross-border supply has been a prospective field in which developing nations can claim more comparative advantages.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目:中国经济内外均衡的协调研究,项目编号:2006DXM20

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