Share Repurchase and Corporation Value——Theoretical and Empir ical Analysis


股票回购是西方发达国家上市公司一种常见的股利分配政策和资本运作方式 ,在回顾与总结国内外相关理论的基础上 ,从实证角度分析了股票回购对于我国上市公司价值的影响。研究结果表明 ,股票回购对于我国上市公司具有特殊的积极意义 ,有利于公司价值的提升。As a general policy of dividend distribution and means of ca pital operation, share repurchase has important impact on corporation value.In t his paper, we theoretically and empirically examine the relevance of share repur chase and corporation value .The results indicate that share repurchase has posi tive significance on the enhancement of corporation value

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