Marx' Theory of International Value and the Changes of Contemporary International Value


马克思关于国际价值的理论,散见在他的《资本论》和其他经济著作中。本文梳理了有关马克思国际价值的论述。接着以科技革命引发的信息化、全球化为线索,阐述了当代世界经济变化对国际价值的影响,进而分析了新时期国际价值的形成、实现的特点,以及国际价值规律作用的变化。研究马克思国际价值理论和新时期国际价值的变化,对我国发展对外贸易与国际经济关系具有重要意义。Marx' theory of international value scattered in Das Kapital and his other works. This paper sorts out Marx' statements on international value. On the basis of informatization and globalization caused by technological revolution the paper analyzes the influences of contemporary world economic changes on international value and the features of formation and realization of international value and the change of its law. There is important significance in studying Marx' theory of international value and its changes in the new period of time while developing China's international trade and economic relations

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