Empirical Research on FDI's Impacts on Enterprise Development in China——Comparison of different development models in Fushan,Dongguan and Shenzhen


在改革开放过程中,外商投资对我国的技术进步和产业发展起着积极的推动作用。但是,就某一特定区域,外来投资对当地内资企业的发展有何影响以及影响的程度如何却呈现较大的差异。研究表明,在地区经济发展过程中,适度的内外资比例,内资企业特别是内资企业中的民营企业能够在发展过程中发挥主要作用的地方,外来投资企业对内资企业将产生积极的影响;相反,外商投资企业高度集中,并主导当地经济发展的地区,外资企业将对当地内资企业的发展形成挤压,从而限制当地内资企业的发展。During the process of China's reforms and opening-up,FDI acts a very positive and active role in China's technical progress and industrial promotion.However,when it comes to a specific region,FDI's impacts and influences on the domestically founded enterprises show obvious differences.Research implies that in the process of regional economic development where domestically founded enterprises,especially privately founded enterprises dominate economic regional development,FDI would bring positive effects to domestically founded enterprises with proper ratio of domestically founded enterprises to FDI.On the contrary,in the region FDI is highly concentrated and dominates regional economic development,FDI may bring kind of squeeze-effect to the development of domestically founded enterprises,which would greatly limit the development of domestically founded enterprises.教育部博士点基金项目“我国民营中小企业区域分布特点、行为特征及其发展规律研究”(03JB790032

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