The Institutional Economics Analysis on Fragility of State-owned Commercial Banks


最近一段时期,在国有商业银行产权改革和股份公司治理方面有大量的研究,应该明确进行改革的缘由,由此才可对症下药、量体裁衣。基于这一认识,以制度经济学范式为框架,从历史的视角出发,结合制度变迁中的目标函数导向和约束条件限制、制度变迁的路径依赖特性、以及“制度变迁成本分担假说”,来探讨市场化改革引致国有商业银行的脆弱性问题。试图基于此项分析找到制度方面的“症”和“体”,以利于产权改革和股份公司治理的正确设计。There have been many researches on corporate governance in Chinese state-owned commercial banks recently;howerer,few of them are based on institutional economics.As looking back into the history,the paper combines with the anti-function and constraints,the pre-path-going feature and cost share hypothesis during the institutional transformation.It analyzes the relationship between the fragility of state-owned commercial banks and market reform

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