Understanding Philip·G. Altbach's Standpoint——After Comparing higher Education: Knowledge, the University and Development


作为美国体制内知识分子,阿尔特巴赫既具有美国人普遍存在的“西方中心主义”的傲慢,同时严格恪守体制内知识分子的学术责任;作为一个心怀天下的学者,他在力求使自己的研究客观公正的同时关注弱势、不满霸权、祈望世界知识网络中不平等的祛除。As an intellectual within American system, Altbach is arrogantly Western-centered and scrupulously abides by the academic responsibilities of intellectuals within national academic system. As a far-sighted scholar, he is impersonal and impartial in his study and attention to the disadvantaged, critical of the supremacy and look forward to elimination of the inequality in the academic circle of the world

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