Investment Structure in Human Capital and Effect on Economic Growth


本文针对已有的关于人力资本投资的理论研究往往只关注人力资本投资数量而忽视人力投资结构研究的现状,把教育和健康看作是两种资本,分析了人力资本投资的具体构成形式。假设人力资本由教育资本和健康资本按照CobbDouglas生产技术形式组合生成。通过扩展Mankiw、Romer和Weil(1992)模型(简称MRW模型),构建了一个内生经济增长模型。理论分析结果表明,人力资本投资结构制约着经济增长,人力资本投资数量和结构都对经济产生重要影响。最后,本文以理论分析为基础构建计量经济模型,利用1978~2004年中国29个省市的面板数据实证分析了教育资本和健康资本对中国经济增长的影响。Most current theory researches of investment in human capital pay more attention on investment qualitity but fewer on investment structure, so the paper analyzes the specific form of investment in human capital in condition that education and health are two kinds of capitals .The paper hypothesizes education capital and health capital hold the form of C-D and constructs an endogenous economic growth model. Then the paper analyzes the relationship between investment structure in human capital and increment in human capital. The results show that investment structure in human capital restricts economic growth , quantity and structure in human capital have important effect on economic growth. In the end the paper takes advantages of Chinese Province panel data to test the effect of education capital and health capital on economic growth

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