The Spirit of Tan Kah-kee Donating Fortune Fund School and its Inspiration


陈嘉庚先生是一位名闻中外的企业家、教育家、社会活动家和伟大的爱国主义者,他一生热心教育、倾资办学的高尚情操对当前我国高等教育事业的发展仍具有深刻的现实意义,把陈嘉庚精神发扬光大,最根本的就是要提倡并动员全社会都来参与捐资兴学,培养全民的教育参与感。Tan Kah Kee is a well known Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs,educators,community activists and a great patriot.His whole life was dedicated to education.His lofty values and contribution to the development of higher education of our country still has profound practi- cal significance.Carry forward the spirit of Tan Kah Kee,the most fundamental thing is to mobilize all sectors of society to promote the partici- pation of donors

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