The Reform of College Entrance Examination: A Historical and Realistic Thinking


统一高考制度的建立,是一定历史时期社会需要与考试自身发展的必然产物,是中国高校招生考试史上的创举。高考欲保持长远的生命力,必须适时、适度地进行改革。从形式上看,要打破高考以往的"大一统"模式,兼顾统一与多样,可以采用二次高考的多样化改革思路。从内容上看,到高等教育大众化阶段,高考将成为一种为高校和考生之间的"双向选择"提供决策依据的"合适"考试,因此,高考命题改革应从知识立意、能力立意,进一步提升到素质立意的高度。The establishment of the system of the College Entrance Examination is an inevitable outcome of social needs and the development of examination system. It is also a pioneering undertaking in the educational history of modern China. To maintain its longterm vitality, this system should undergo timely and suitable reforms. There can be two examinations annually instead of only one, The setting of the questions should be based more on the allaround development of the candidates instead of their knowledge alone

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