On Elite Education


高等教育大众化对传统的精英教育带来了巨大冲击,知识经济的到来为我们重新认识精英教育的功能提供了新的视角,和传统的精英教育功能相比,历史又赋予了其新的功能:它是知识经济时代高科技发展的内在要求;是培养高层次创新性人才的必须;为知识与经济的融合搭建优良的平台。Mass higher education gave great strike to traditional elite education, while knowledge economy supplies us with the new viewpoint to this issue. Contrasted with the traditional one, the function has changed a lot, such as: it is the inherent request of high technology development in knowledge economy era, of bringing up high administrative levels ability, of putting up an excellent flat roof for knowledge bracing economy.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地厦门大学高等教育发展研究中心2002-2003年度重大项目立项课题:“知识经济时代高等教育的地位、作用与变革”的子课题;项目编号:02JAZJD88001

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