Reflection on SSCI and evaluation of university Seniority of social scientific research


SCI、SSCI等索引工具与高校科研工作者的关系越来越紧密,学术界对于作为索引工具的SCI、SSCI等系统成为评价指标的做法,一直持慎重的态度。本文分析了SSCI作为人文社会科学研究成果评价标准的原因,指出了其作为学术评价标准可能带来的风险,并从如何对待西方的现代知识体系、人文社会科学与自然科学的区别以及学术的目的与学术评价的目的三个维度反思了人文社会科学学术评价的基本问题,以期建立一个符合中国自身学术发展的学术评价体系和学术评价标准。Although the tie between SCI、SSCI and researchers have been tightened increasingly,the latter have always maintained prudence to consider theSCI,SSCI as evaluation indexes.The article analyzed the reason why SSCI became the evaluation of Social Scientific Research,and pointed out that it will bring some potential risks.At last,the author reflected three problems,including how to deal with the western knowledge system;the difference of social science and the science and the aim of the academic and the academic evaluation,so as to build an evaluation of university Social Scientific Research that meets the need of academic development in china

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