Research progress of the additives to organic electrolytes for secondary Li-ion batteries


锂蓄电池有机电解液添加剂因其有用量少且功效大等特点日益引起人们的关注,根据作用功能,添加剂主要可分为五大类:过充电保护添加剂、SEI膜优化剂、阻燃添加剂、提高电解液导电率的添加剂、控制电解液中H2O和HF含量的添加剂。综述了这些添加剂的研究现状,阐述了各类添加剂的作用机理,并对其研究方向进行了展望。Electrolyte additives used in secondary Li-ion batteries were reviewed.According to their functions,the additives can be divided into 5 types,they are:overcharge protect additives,SEI film additives,anti-combustion additives,enhancing the conductivity of the electrolyte,additives for controlling the content of acid and water in the electrolyte.The research status of these additives were overviewed,functions and mechanisms of the additives were summarized and discussed.国家“973”项目(2007CB209702

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