Education choices from a complex perspective


教育是一种复杂性社会实践活动,教育的未来发展存在多种可能性,这种发展的多可能性便构成教育可选择的客观前提。然而,机械决定论统摄下的教育完全成为一种可操作的技术性行为,即教育目的事先被预设,教育过程中多种可能性为一种可严格预期的运作模式所替代,教育行为被严格控制,教育结果相应地成为教育计划的附属品,主体的能动性与选择权被无情扼杀。因此,必须走出简单教育的樊篱,树立复杂性教育思维,归还教育主体以选择权,步入本真意义的教育殿堂。As education is a complex social activity,there exist a variety of possibilities in the development of future education,which serve as an objective prerequisite for education choice.However,education under mechanic determinism is a technical action that can be completely manipulated.Educational objectives are set beforehand and various possibilities during education process are subjected to an operating mode that can be closely watched.With educational actions under rigid control,educational outcome turns out to be an accessory of educational planning.Individuals' initiatives and rights to choose are deprived of,without mercy.Based on above,we must walk out of the deadlock of simple education,alive,and establish an ideology of complex education.What should be returned to individuals are their rights to choose.So,we can arrive at a stage where the real nature of education can be revealed

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