Effects of nutrient availability on the uptake rates of nitrogen and phosphorus by Gracilaria lemaneiformis and G. lichevoide


本文在实验室条件下,研究了营养盐因子对龙须菜和菊花江蓠N、P吸收速率的 影响,分别对不同氮和磷的浓度、氮磷比及不同化合态氮对这两种藻类氮、磷吸收速 率的影响进行了实验与分析.结果表明:在适宜范围内,两种海藻对氮、磷的吸收速率 随介质中氮、磷浓度的增加而增加;不同氮磷对两种海藻N吸收速率的影响不存在 显著差异,但对磷吸收速率的影响非常显著,最高对磷吸收速率在介质的氮磷比为 10:1时;海藻对NH4-N的吸收速率随着NO3-N/NH4-N比的降低而增加,对PO43-P的 吸收速率与对NH4-N的吸收相似,而对NO3-N的吸收速率与对NH4-N的吸收相反.Effects of nutrient availability on the uptake rates of nitrogen and phosphorus by Gracilaria lemaneiformis and G. lichvoides were studied under laboratory conditions. The uptake rates of nitrogen and phosphorus by these two species were analyzed at different concentrations of N and P, different ratios of N to P and different chemical combination of N and P. The results from the study showed that at the suitable levels of concentrations, the uptake rates of nitrogen and phosphorus by these two species increased with the increase of N and P concentrations in the media. Uptake rates of N by the two species were not significantly different (P>0.05) , but uptake rates of P by the two species were significantly different (P<0.05) at different ratios of N to P. The highest uptake rate of P by the two species occurred at a ratio 10: 1 ( N:P) in the medium. The uptake rates of NH4-N by seaweeds increased with the decrease of NO3-N/NH4-N ratios. The uptake rate of PO4-P by the seaweeds was similar to that of NH4 -N, while the uptake rate of NO3 -N was dissimilar to that of NH4-N.福建省重大项目(2002Y005,2002I003) 宁波市基金项目(2005A610025

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