Modeling based on UG Gleason spiral bevel gear


目前国内的齿轮加工专用机床无法加工一些尺寸超过其技术规格的齿轮副,而运用大型的数控加工中心加工弧齿锥齿轮副,齿轮副尺寸不再成为其制约因素。利用UG软件提供的UG/OPEN GRIP二次开发功能,编制相应的锥齿轮成形软件,根据设计图纸提供的格里森弧齿锥齿轮副的基本尺寸和参数,首先建立铣刀盘和弧齿锥齿轮大轮胚体的三维模型,然后结合格里森弧齿锥齿轮机床调整参数,在UG环境下模拟格里森机床调整过程,通过布尔运算得到成形法加工的大轮。之后采用变异的铣刀盘成形加工得到的变异大轮展成小轮毛胚实体,最终得到小轮齿面。此方法基于传统的格里森弧齿锥齿轮加工方法,又有不同之处,是格里森弧齿锥齿轮建模和加工的一种实用新方法。At present the domestic gear processing machine can not machining the gears that exceed the size of the technical specifications, in order to solve this conflict, this large-scale use of the NC processing center of spiral bevel gear, the size of the gear is no longer a constraint. With the UG/OPEN GRIP, we design bevel gear forming software to create the big round of three-dimensional model of the embryo, and complete simulation under UG, then we get the big gear by boolean operation. And a small round hair embryo is born by a variation of facer, finally, we get the tooth surface of the gear. This method is based on the traditional Gleason spiral bevel gear processing methods, also different, which suggest a practical way of a spiral bevel gear modeling and processing by Gleason.福建省重点项目(2006Y0027

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