Gas concentration detection based on LabVIEW and laser technique


本文针对目前用光电技术检测气体浓度存在精度较低、可靠性较差等问题,提出了一套新的光电检测气体浓度的方案。该方案基于迈克尔逊干涉仪在不同的气体中光程差的不同,会导致干涉条纹的移动和强度的变化的原理,采用激光双光路干涉法其中一路干涉光参考,一路光测量,通过两路干涉条纹的比较,消除系统误差和外界环境干扰,提高测量精度。实验利用UNIQ UM201的CCD和PCI总线的图像采集卡在LabVIEW环境下采集干涉条纹,并对采集到的图像进行数据处理,在外界微弱的变化下,图像发生改变,该实验方案有很高的灵敏度和响应速度。Based on the principle that the position and intensity of Michelson interference fringes change due to different optical path lengths in different gases,a new system is designed,which applies two interferometers,one is used for test and the other is used as reference.The problems of low precision and bad reliability existing in detecting gas concentration are solved.In this system UNIQ UM201 Charge Coupled Device and Matrox Meteor-II image grab card are used to acquire the interference fringes and the images of the obtained fringes are processed in the LabVIEW environment.As the surroundings change faintly,the images will also change,and this test scheme has high sensitivity and fast response

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