The Design of Slide Fastener Assembly Machine Controlling System Based on LPC2114


根据拉链头装配的特点,针对传统装配机纯硬件控制系统检测精度低、功能扩展差的缺点,提出了一种以ARM单片机LPC2114为核心配合光电传感器的控制方案,给出了主要的硬件电路结构图及软件流程图,最后讨论了系统的抗干扰问题。According to the character of the slide fastener assembly machine and the disadvantage of low measurement precision and poor function expansion of the traditional assembly machine’s pure hardware controlling system, a controlling method of making use of the ARM MCU as the kernel to cooperate with the photoelectricity sensor was put forward, the main hardware circuit structure diagram and software flow chart were given out, the anti-disturbance problem of the system was discussed

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