Study on the Distributions of Lead and Cadmium in Rats by ICP-MS with Stable Isotope Tracer


采用稳定同位素示踪技术研究重金属元素铅、镉在大鼠体内的分布,通过对大鼠进行浓缩同位素206Pb、112Cd灌喂,解剖取其肝、肾、睾丸和心脏等脏器,通过相应的化学处理,用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)测量铅、镉元素在各个脏器中的含量及其同位素组成变化。根据同位素比值的变化研究Pb、Cd在各脏器中的分布、蓄积规律和各脏器对引入的浓缩同位素利用率。结果发现:重金属Pb和Cd蓄积的最主要场所是肝和肾,其次是睾丸和心脏,而在脑中的积累最少。在肝和肾中Cd的同位素利用率为0.0488%、0.0154%,Pb的同位素利用率为0.0101%、0.0078%,远高于其它脏器。与传统的方法相比较,该法具有更接近慢性中毒、危害性小,能将重金属来源分为天然来源和人为引入等特点。The distributions of lead and cadmium in rats were studied using stable isotope tracer technique.The rats were fed with enriched stable isotope 206Pb and 112Cd,then the liver,kidney,testicle and heart were eviscerated.After chemical treatment,the contents of lead and cadmium and their isotope ratios in each viscera were determined by ICP-MS.Experimental results showed that lead and cadmium accumulated mostly in liver and kidney,next in testicle and heart,and least in brain.The utilization rates of cadmium and lead isotopes in liver were 0.048 8% and 0.010 1%,respectively,and in kidney 0.015 4% and 0.007 8%,respectively.Compared with the traditional methods,the present method can differentiate the origins of lead and cadmium.福建省重大科技项目资助课题(2003Y005-04,2003Y003

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