Application of Multi-Task System Based on MCS-51 in Intelligent Security System


通过一个智能安防系统的应用实例,介绍了一种采用MCS-51单片机程序实现多任务机制的简单方法,并给出了源代码。采用中断进行实时任务切换,具有结构简单清晰、代码量少、不需使用汇编语言等优点。该方法亦可应用于其他单片机系统。A multi-task system based on MCS-51 was introduced, and an example for practical application of intelligent security system was presented. The real time task exchange is based on interrupt .The system is compact and convenient for application,which is programed without assemble language. The method is also available for the other MCU system

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