Jumping Design and Dynamics Analysis on a Hopping Frog Robot


当前,弹跳机器人有着广泛的应用前景,提高其弹跳性能是一个值得探讨的课题。设计并分析了一种仿青蛙跳跃的弹跳腿。将其简化为双质量弹簧模型,得出了其跳起的必要条件及在空中运动状态的动力学方程。仿真结果表明,该弹跳腿的设计是可行的。Now,hopping robot will be used more and more and how to improve its capability of jumping is a valuable research.In virtue of analyzing frog's jumping,this paper designs a hopping leg,then abstracts the leg and find a system model composed by two mass bodies and a spring,finds the qualification and the equation of jumping.The result shows that the designed leg is feasible

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