Bacterial Conversion of Sulfur-and Phosphorous-Compounds and Microbial Diversity in Sediments from a Near-Shore Marine-Cultural Region


对福建某近海养虾场底泥环境中硫和磷 2种元素的微生物代谢进行了研究 .结果表明 ,细菌代谢有机硫和无机硫产H2 S是养殖过程中造成H2 S污染的主要因素 ,利用半胱氨酸和硫代硫酸钠产生硫化氢的细菌数量分别为 1 .6× 10. 6和 4 . 35× 10. 3个·g-1底泥 ;进一步研究发现 ,芽孢杆菌属、盐芽孢杆菌属和微杆菌属等细菌是产H2 S的优势菌群 ,而硫酸盐还原菌的数量较少 ,仅为 2 5个·g-1,其产H2 S的作用不明显 .研究还发现 ,转化有机磷和无机磷酸盐的优势菌群属于好氧细菌 ,其中分解卵磷脂的细菌和产磷酸酯酶细菌的数量分别为 2 . 17× 10. 5和 1 2. 1× 10 6个·g-1,转化磷酸钙的细菌数量为 6 . 96× 10 3 个·g-1.本文从微生物学的角度探讨了养殖环境中硫、磷化合物的转化 ,提出细菌好氧代谢产H2 S是养殖环境潜在的污染因素 ,给出了一些改善和修复养殖环境生态的建议 .The H_2S-producing bacteria and the phosphorous-cycling bacteria in sediments from near-shore marine-cultural region were investigated. Results indicate that the bacterial H_2S production in aerobic condition is the dominating process to produce H_2S in the sediment of cultural pond. The total counts of H_2S-producing bacteria utilizing cysteine and Na_2S_2O_3 were 1.6×106 and 4.35×103 cells g -1 respectively. The counts of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the sediments were very little, only 2.5×101 g -1. Further results show that the bacterial counts of decomposing lecithin and secreting phosphatase were 2.17×105 and 1.21×106 g -1 respectively, bacterial counts of dissolving Ca_3PO_4 were 6.96×103 g -1. Traditional taxonomy and partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing on the H_2S-producing and phosphate-cycling bacteria indicate that most isolates could be classified as members of the following Genera: Bacillus, Halobacillus, Microbacterium, etc.中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (KZCX1 SW 12 Ⅱ ) ;; 中国科学院百人计划项目

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