Cause analysis for fine power formation in the process for propylene polymerization in loop reactor


Spheripol环管工艺占我国聚丙烯生产能力的一半以上,该工艺具有转化率高、生产能力大等优点。然而,我国大多数环管装置均不同程度上存在生产过程中经常性出现细粉,影响产品质量以及造成生产不正常的缺陷。结合笔者多年相关的研究,对相关工艺细粉产生的原因进行分析,并提出了一些改进措施。The loop reactors process for propylene polymerization based on the patented Spheripol technology,has over half of the production capacity of polymerization in China,which has many characteristics including high conversion and throughput.Moreover,this technology has some disadvantages such asthe regular fine powder produced in the process for the propylene polymerization.According to authors' several years of works and lots of references,the reasons for the fine power produced in the loop reactors for propylene polymerization are summarized and analyzed in this paper

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