
报道了人工制作的陶瓷管道诱导大弹涂鱼 Boleophthalmus pectinirostris产卵的研究结果。未经激素催熟的亲鱼放入产卵池内7—12d未见产卵,经一次激素注射催熟的亲鱼放入产卵池内第3天开始交配产卵和受精,入池后5d未能产卵雌鱼的卵母细胞开始退化吸收。雌鱼不仅在管道内产卵,而且也将卵产在管道外、池底和池壁,产卵时间集中在下半夜的02:00—04:00,不同产卵池中管道的产卵率差别很大。卵子粘附在管道不同部位的数量和受精率均不相同。强迫配对的亲鱼虽有产卵,但卵子不受精。Induced ovulation and spawning of mudskipper inside artificial nests were car-ried out in this study. The results show that the females could not ovulate and spawnwithin 7-10 days without any hormonal induction of ovulation, whereas others could o-vulate and spawn 3 days after hormonal injection. Spawning usually occurred during 2:00 to 4:00 in the morning. The spawning percentages of the artificial nests laid onto dif-ferent pools varied from 1% to 55. 6%. Apart from laying eggs inside the artificialnests, the females also laid eggs on the outer surface of the artificial nests and on thebottom of the pools as well. Only about 10 - 15 percents of females could spawn,whereas most females could not spawn although they were mature. Oocytes of the nonspawning females began to degenerate 5 days after they were introduced to the spawningponds. Fertilizing rates of the mature eggs adhering onto the artificial nests varied from10% to 89 %. When both females and males were restrained inside the artificial nestswith a ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 2, the female could reluctantly spawn, but the eggs were notfertilized.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(B0010005,B9910006

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